Vizologi Business Model Canvas Tool – 90% Off

Vizologi Business Model Canvas Tool - 90% Off

Visit: Vizologi Business Model Canvas Tool – 90% Off

Vizologi applies the Mash-up method to play with different business strategies that apparently can seem disconnected between them, but together help you invent creative and invincible business models.

How does the mashup functionality work?

Vizologi defines the business design challenge in a problem statement which is also known as Point Of View. For example: How can we reduce risk in innovation while creating unique business models at the same time?

We can start opening up the exploration for ideas to solve your POV by asking “How Might We” statements where:

“How” suggests that we do not yet have the answer.
“Might” emphasizes that our responses may only be possible solutions.
“We” immediately brings in the element of a collaborative effort.

Example of Vizologi:

How Might We reinvent [innovation] [consultancy]?

How Might We apply [data & analytics]?

How Might We release free [knowledge]?

How Might We generate [long-tail content]?

How Might We play with [blockchain]?

After that you can search and filter from different companies with unique and invincible business strategies.

Example of Vizologi:

Strategyzer and IDEO thanks to their standardization
and innovation methodology.

The Quid influenced us through data and analytics
to augment your human capabilities.

Quora emphasized the importance to democratize
access to knowledge and expertise.

Netflix motivated us to create a long tail content strategy
monetized through a premium subscription.

Brave brought us the opportunity to remove ads while earning
Basic Attention Tokens at the same time.

Then you can proceed to combine the best aspects into your own business model. Capture the essence and combine elements to generate new and fresh ideas.

Example of Vizologi:

Inspired by insights of companies that belong to different categories like consulting, data & analytics, Internet, or entertainment. We invented a different business model.


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