Vizologi Business Model Canvas Tool – 90% Off

Visit: Vizologi Business Model Canvas Tool – 90% Off Vizologi applies the Mash-up method to play with different business strategies that apparently can seem disconnected between them, but together help you invent creative and invincible business models. How does the mashup functionality work? Vizologi defines the business design challenge in a problem statement which is […]

WordProof Lifetime Deal – 92% off

Visit: WordProof Lifetime Deal – 92% off ”Hi all This is Sebastiaan, Founder of WordProof! Happy to be featured on Dealify. We believe that the internet needs a layer of trust, so the reader knows the information they read is factual and knows where it came from, and on the flipside, if you are a […]

Formspark Lifetime Deal | 82% off

Visit: Formspark Lifetime Deal | 82% off The simple & powerful form solution for developers. Use your own front-end code. Formspark will handle the rest. The creation and processing of forms on your website is painful. Adding the right form code, making sure spam prevention is enabled, connecting it to your database, making sure for […]